Wedding Day

Wedding Day
Enjoy EVERY moment in your wedding gown. You can't stay in it forever...SO UNFAIR!!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hello Handsome!

I have no idea how I got there. I was browsing blogs, giveaways, and one place would lead me to another. You know how sometimes you even click on a comment and just find your way to a really interesting blog. Well, I found Homemaker Honey who is doing this awesome Hello Handsome event. How cool is this? You can win some great prizes, but the really great thing is just the focus on loving that wonderful man of yours.

So lets talk a moment about my wonderful man.

I have been through the ringer in my life. If there was ever a person who was destined for many relationship mishaps, I was the girl. Seriously I am one of the best people to come see for relationship advice because I have dated each and ever bad boyfriend stereotype known to women, and I can recognize them all and point out any red flag someone may have missed. My knowledge was hard won. Somehow though, God managed to gently orchestrate the meeting of my absolute soul mate. God is good my friends. Even when you think that there is no hope, God has surprises for you.

He did for me.

I am not going to go into my past and the ickiness though, because this post is about the fun Hello Handsome event and my wonderful husband Scott.

Check him out. :)

This is one of the reasons I love him. He is not afraid to be silly. He isn't silly 24/7 of course, but not being afraid to be a dork is huge!

(This is a pic I took on his 40th birthday as he played with the gag gifts I bought him)

Scott is also easy to snuggle with and cuddle. YES! He is a man who likes to snuggle up on a Saturday or Sunday morning (usually Sunday because on Saturdays I am off at 6:30 am to pick up veggies from the food co-op).

He has a sweet spirit and an eye for the simple things and beautiful things in nature. Check out these pics he took.

God truly blessed me with an amazing husband. He is a very kind, sweet, and loving man. I love him with all my heart, and I will forever thank God for somehow finding me worthy of such a wonderful husband. We married four days after my 40th birthday, and he was worth every moment of wait and every struggle I had that makes me appreciate him more.


bermudaonion said...

It does sound like he was well worth the wait. I wish the two of you many more years of happiness.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I am so glad that you found Mr. Right!