Wedding Day

Wedding Day
Enjoy EVERY moment in your wedding gown. You can't stay in it forever...SO UNFAIR!!!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I Spy With My Little Eye...Book Giveaways


I love reading blogs, magazines, newspapers, cereal boxes, books and even bathroom walls (well...when they get creative). Finances are being watched carefully so I like to glance about and see where I can get a good book. Whether it is a blog giveaway, thrift store, yard sale, or church rummage sale...I am looking for books! Want to look with me?

Here are some book giveaways you might want to peruse.

Is there a young adult reader in your life who enjoys the fantasy tales of dragons and sword fights? Then get on over to At Home With Books because Alyce is giving away an awesome prize pack. Here is what you can win:
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman
Paper Towns by John Green
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
An Eon: Dragoneye Reborn poster
An Eon: Dragoneye Reborn pin.

Would this make your YA reader happy? I know my son would literally plotz! We are talking dream prize for your fantasy reader! In case you are still not sure, Alyce has read and reviewed Eon: Dragoneye Reborn, and you can read that review here.

Have you heard of the Pepper Martin series? Well I hadn't, but thanks to Amber I now am dying to sink my teeth into one of Casey Daniels' Pepper Martin books. In particular Night of the Loving Dead. Actually I am going to get my hands on more than that. Check out Amber's wonderful interview with Casey today, and give yourself a chance at Night of the Loving Dead.

Blood of the Muse always has some wonderful giveaways, and I for one am totally stoked by this one...check it out you have an opportunity to win The Glister by John Burnside. Here is a small blurb...

Since George Lister's chemical plant closed down, Innertown has been a shadow of its former self. In the woods that once teemed with life, strange sickly plants grow. Homes that were once happy are threatened by a mysterious illness.

Here, a young boy named Leonard and his friends exist in a state of confusion and despair, as every year or so a boy from their school vanishes after venturing into the poisoned woods. Without conclusive evidence of foul play, the authorities consider the boys to be runaways.

The town policeman suspects otherwise, but paralyzed with fear, he does nothing. And so it is up to the children who remain to take action. Their plan to stop the forces of evil that are destroying their town is at the shocking and terrifying heart of The Glister.

I hope something has sparked your interest! Good luck! :)


Alyce said...

Thanks for blogging about the giveaway!

Simply Stacie said...

Thanks for sharing. I also love books. I have a book giveaway on my blog too so feel free to enter it.

Happy New Year!